What a great way to start the day. . . at Abingdon Elementary School’s All Pro Dads breakfast! Mr. Washington facilitated a great message this morning on dependability! Thank you to all of the students and families that were able to attend this wonderful event! Thank you to Mr. Washington for facilitating at all of our schools, to GCPS Nutrition Services (Virginia) for providing a delicious breakfast, and the Gloucester Educational Foundation for sponsoring the cost of these breakfasts for all of our GCPS students & parents!! A big THANK YOU to Lauren Ginder, Abingdon’s Community Engagement Coordinator, for making this opportunity come to life! #parentengagement @AbingdonElementary
about 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Stamm
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Abingdon’s Elementary All Pro Dads
Cheers to Anna Harwood, the guiding light at Abingdon Elementary, during Virginia Principal Appreciation Week! Your commitment to educational excellence and the well-being of our students shines brightly. Thank you for your extraordinary leadership! #PrincipalAppreciation
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Anna harwood
Reminder: The Academic Year Governor's School Information night previously scheduled for January 10th was moved to today, January 17th, and will take place at 6:30 PM. Visit our webpage for more information about these programs for highly motivated students interested in math and science: https://gets.gc.k12.va.us/o/gcps/page/governors-school
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Gov School info Night January 17, 6:30 PM
A special salute to Tiffany Busch, the visionary leader at Bethel Elementary, during Virginia Principal Appreciation Week! Your dedication to fostering a nurturing learning environment is inspiring. Thank you for your unwavering commitment! #PrincipalAppreciation #BethelBears
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Tiffany Busch
Celebrating Tish Hudgins, the guiding force behind Botetourt Elementary, during Virginia Principal Appreciation Week! Your commitment to educating our students makes a lasting impact. Thank you for being the heart of our school community! #PrincipalAppreciation #BotetourtBulldogs
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Tish Hudgins
Honoring Melissa Mygas, the heart and soul of Petsworth Elementary School, during Virginia Principal Appreciation Week! Your leadership, passion, and dedication create a vibrant learning environment. Thank you for shaping bright futures! #PrincipalAppreciation #PetsworthPride
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Melissa Mygas Virginia Principal appreciation week
Botetourt showcased its dynamic community-building journey at the January 10, 2024, School Board meeting. Presenters highlighted the impact of multimedia—live streams, print media, and podcasting—in connecting, informing, inspiring, and creating a vibrant, inclusive narrative!
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Botetourt Bulldogs
Botetourt Bulldogs
Botetourt Bulldogs
Due to the rescheduled School Board Meeting, the Governor's School Information night previously scheduled for January 10th has been moved to January 17th.
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
AYGS Info night moved to January 17, 2024
Based on updated forecasts and the potential severe weather, Gloucester County Public Schools will implement the early dismissal schedule: Middle Schools: 12:20 pm. High School: 12:30 pm. Elementary Schools: 1:30 pm. Pre-K students will follow the early dismissal schedule and be released at 1:30 pm. As shared earlier, all after-school activities and tonight's school board meeting are rescheduled for tomorrow, January 10, 2023, at 6:00 pm.
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Based on updated forecasts and the potential severe weather, the school division will implement the early dismissal schedule:  Middle Schools: 12:20 pm. High School: 12:30 pm. Elementary Schools: 1:30 pm.  Pre-K students will follow the early dismissal schedule and be released at 1:30 pm.  As shared earlier, all after-school activities and tonight's school board meeting are rescheduled for tomorrow, January 10, 2023, at 6:00 pm.
Due to the inclement weather, all afternoon and evening activities have been canceled for Tuesday, January 9, 2024. An additional announcement will be made once a decision has been made regarding tonight's School Board meeting.
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Due to the inclement weather, all afternoon and evening activities have been canceled for Tuesday, January 9, 2024.  An additional announcement will be made once a decision has been made regarding tonight's School Board meeting.
Coming soon! The 2024 Academic Year Governor's School Information Night will be Wednesday, January 10th. Families of current 7th - 10th graders can visit this webpage to learn more about these programs for highly motivated students interested in math and science: https://gets.gc.k12.va.us/o/gcps/page/governors-school
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Governor's School Info Night January 10th 6:30 PM
Thank you to Abingdon's music teacher, Ms. Long, for leading the Sing-a-long and the 4th and 5th grade choir today for all students and staff! What a wonderful way to end the day before Winter Break as a school family! Bravo! To top it all off there were special guests to share in the fun: a reindeer, three gingerbread men, and the Grinch. The students loved it! #AbingdonElementary #greatjob
about 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Stamm
Abingdon Sing-a-long
Abingdon Sing-a-long
Abingdon Sing-a-long
Abingdon Sing-a-long
From December 20, 2023, through January 1, 2024, our division will be closed for Winter Break. Normal operations will resume, and we look forward to welcoming back students and staff on January 2nd. Please note: GHS will observe an asynchronous day on the 2nd and return to regular operations on January 3rd. We wish you all a joyful and restful holiday season!
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Winter Break. GCPS wishes you a joyful and restful holiday season.
Ms. Cher's Independent Living class at GHS is gifted a cash register. Thank you, Ms. McPherson, for the much-needed donation!!!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Anthony Vladu
School Board Member, Ms. McPherson  and GHS Teacher, Ms. Cher
Thank you to Ms. Lenderman and the 2nd grade students and staff at Achilles Elementary for a wonderful performance today that ended with a whole school Sing-a-long. It was so much fun and beautifully done! #greatjob #AchillesElementary
about 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Stamm
2nd grade Performance at Achilles
2nd grade Performance at Achilles
2nd grade Performance at Achilles
2nd grade Performance at Achilles
Hands-on learning was all around at Botetourt Elementary today. Thank you to Ms. Payne & Ms. Stump, Ms. Brake & Ms. Miller, & Ms. Calloway & Ms. Stone for making learning a fun family affair! Thank you to Ms. Murphy, our gifted resource teacher, for showcasing a student's tree project during the visit. The collaboration in that room was amazing! Thank you to Ms. Carin, technology resource teacher, for teaching our students coding with the Dash Robots. Their excitement filled the halls with the new learning that they now have because of you! #BotetourtElementary
about 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Stamm
Gingerbread Houses at Botetourt
Gingerbread Houses at Botetourt
Gingerbread Houses at Botetourt
Gingerbread Houses at Botetourt
Gingerbread Houses at Botetourt
Ms. Murphy helping a project come to life at Botetourt
Ms. Murphy helping a project come to life at Botetourt
Ms. Carin’s 3rd graders are loving coding to make their Dash Robots move
Ms. Carin’s 3rd graders are loving coding to make their Dash Robots move
Botetourt Elementary School's 4th Grade teacher Ms. LaGuardia has excelled to earn her 10 Year National Board Certified Teacher renewal!!! We congratulate you on this impressive milestone!!!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Anthony Vladu
Botetourt 4th Grade Class with Ms. LaGuardia
An incredible moment was captured from Tuesday night's Board Meeting, featuring the brilliant students and dedicated staff who took the spotlight and presented on the school community and leadership at GHS. 🌟 Special recognition to our two Seniors of the Month, Kamryn McDonough and Samantha Wooldridge. Together, they exemplify excellence and leadership within our school community. Pictured here are: Ms. Vanessa Morris, Ms. Beth Coleman, Lauren Landry, Jadon Thompson, Jacob Garrett, Nadia Oberlin, Shelby Bennett, Mr. Troy Andersen, Maddie Kadel, Ms. Leslie Sturtz, Kamryn McDonough, Dr. Anthony Vladu, Samantha Wooldridge, Dr. Stefan Mygas, Alexandria Quick, Capt. Norris Merkle, Joshua Coleman.📸👏 #GHSBoardRecognition #StudentLeadership #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Ms. Vanessa Morris, Ms. Beth Coleman, Lauren Landry, Jadon Thompson, Jacob Garrett, Nadia Oberlin, Shelby Bennett, Mr. Troy Andersen, Maddie Kadel, Ms. Leslie Sturtz, Kamryn McDonough, Dr. Anthony Vladu, Samantha Wooldridge, Dr. Stefan Mygas, Alexandria Quick, Capt. Norris Merkle, Mr. Joshua Coleman
We hope that you will join us!
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
Farewell Reception on December 12th from 4:00-5:45 PM honoring our outgoing school board members
Amazing morning reading to 1st Grade students at Achilles. Thank yo BC United for the books!!! Students loved "Stella Keeps the Sun Up"
about 1 year ago, Dr. Anthony Vladu
Achilles 1st Grade Class