A heartfelt shout-out to Ms. Keener and the incredible T.C. Walker staff for organizing a fantastic Toys for Tots breakfast! 🎅🎁 Your efforts have surely made Santa’s job a bit trickier with all the extra toys! 🛷 Thank you for spreading holiday cheer and making a difference in our community. 🌟 #ToysForTots #CommunitySpirit #Gratitude
about 1 year ago, GCPS News
SBO celebrates Toys for Tots
Please join us for a farewell reception in honor of outgoing Gloucester County School Board Members on December 12, 2023.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Farewell reception for our outgoing school board members
Save these key dates for December and January! Explore more events and programs listed on individual school websites.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
December and January Calendar dates to note
We extend a warm invitation to all parents and guardians of students with disabilities to join us for a Special Education Advisory Committee meeting on Monday, December 4th at 6:00 PM. The meeting will take place at TC Walker in Room A-111. This session will feature a review of the new Virginia Family's Guide to Special Education, a valuable resource provided by the Virginia Department of Education.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
SEAC meeting
Families of Special Education students who receive IEP services will now have access to EdPlan Connect where they can view all special education related documents safely online. Look for an email as IEPs are finalized. If you'd like to learn more, please visit the Special Education page of the GCPS website.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
EDPlan Connect and GCPS for SPED documents
Join us for Coffee & Talk on November 16th from 7:30-9:00 AM in the TCWEC Cafeteria to talk with our superintendent, Dr. Vladu, about public education & GCPS. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Join us for Coffee and talk. Sit down with dr. Vladu and enjoy some coffee or tea while discussing pubic education and gcps november 16th form 7:30-9:00 AM in the TCWEC Cafeteria.
If you have concerns regarding your preschooler's development, GCPS offers screenings throughout the year.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Do you have conerns regarding your preschooler's development? Goucester County public schools conducts screenings for preschool children as part of our Child Find Activities throughout the school year. Parents/guiardians should consider having their children screened if they are experiencing difficulty walking, talking, playing, and meeting developmental milestones. If you are interested in having your child screened, please contact your child's zoned school. If you have additional questions please contact the special education office at 804-693-7880
Good news! We have successfully resolved the technical issues with our phone lines, internet, and ClassLink. Thank you for your patience, and we appreciate your understanding. If you encounter any further issues, please don't hesitate to reach out.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
We're currently experiencing technical difficulties with our phone lines, internet, and ClassLink due to a network issue (bad gateway error). Our dedicated technology team is aware of the situation and is actively working with our trusted vendors to resolve this matter promptly. Thank you for your patience as we work to ensure smooth operations.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Check out the VDOE Information for Families of Students with Disabilities at https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/VADOE/bulletins/373e02a
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Join our team!
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Have a bachelor's degree? Ever thought about teaching math? let's talk call 8046935300 to schedule an appointment
Riley Field, a second-grade student at Petsworth Elementary, took on the role of leading the pledge at the School Board meeting held on October 11th. Additionally, seniors of the month, Aura Griggs and Lucas Boothe, along with Brandy Corbett, the Volunteer of the Month from Petsworth Elementary, were honored and acknowledged.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Riley Field
Senior of the Month AuraGriggs
Senior of the MonthLucas Boothe
Volunteer of MonthBrandy Corbett
What a great day celebrating Crunch Heard ‘Round the Commonwealth! We all enjoyed delicious apples from Spring Valley Orchards in Afton, Virginia! Be sure to follow the GCPS Nutrition Services (Virginia) Facebook page for exciting Nutrition and School Cafeteria News.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth
Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth
Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth
Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth
Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth
Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth
Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth
Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth
The GCPS Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) will meet at the TC Walker Education Center in A111 on Monday, September 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will include planning for the new school year. Families are welcome to join. This meeting will also be available for participation virtually if you are interested in attending virtually please contact the Special Education Office at 804-693-7994 or email lisa.dobson@gc.k12.va.us for a meeting link.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Gloucester kids have access now to Dolly's Imagination Library! Any family with small children can sign up. To learn more or to enroll a child, visit https://www.degoodfoundation.org/imagination-library
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Welcoming Students and Staff to an Exciting New School Year! Let's embark on a journey of learning, growth, and endless possibilities together. Here's to a fantastic year ahead! #BackToSchool #GCPS_VA #ConnectEngageInspire
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Gloucester Count School Board Welcomes you to the 2023-24 school year.
Today the GCPS Health & PE teachers worked together to share with each other new ideas for engaging students in activities that get them moving. They practiced memory games with secret direction maps, created their own version of Pac Man, and developed a rhythmic activity that could help teach spelling words at our elementary schools or start a Step team at GHS. You never know what these teachers may do next to get their fellow teachers and students moving.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
GCPS Health & PE teachers
GCPS Health & PE Teacher
GCPS Health & PE teachers share engaging activities that get students moving.
Today's New Teacher Orientation at the TC Walker Education Center saw the warm welcome of GCPS' new teachers and staff by principals and Dr. Anthony Vladu. Anticipation builds for another fantastic school year ahead!
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Dr. Anthony Vladu welcomes new teachers and staff to GCPS
Principals welcome new staff
GCPS Open House Schedule for August 22nd-August 24th. If you have questions or would like more information, please visit your school's website or call the main office. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
GCPS Open House Schedule Tuesday, August 22nd through Thursday, August 24th. Please visit your school's website for detailed information about Open House.
It's a block party! Check out this event that supports Gloucester County K-12 Students!
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
BC United Outreach August 5, 2023 2-6 PM Abingdon Ruritan Club 8784 Guinea Road Hayes, VA 23072 Back 2 School Block party and Resource Fair Supporting Gloucester County K-12 Students. Free School Supplies. Family Activities, Entertainment. Visit: BCunitedoutreach.org for more information call 757-817-2411 or 804-651-7235 Chance to win New GMC Terrain Sponsored by Bill Hudgins GMC Raffle Tickets $10 each. Musical Guest Sl;ap Nation Band. Donations Welcomed!