Gloucester County Public Schools Division Leadership has received information that a string of spam messages regarding shooting threats have been circulating throughout multiple school communities spanning several states. Unfortunately, it appears that students within several schools in our division have received these spam messages. The threats are primarily circulating using social media channels such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. The primary text seen in this Snapchat image is “hug your loved 1s tmr might be the last hug your getting.”

Division Leadership has received communication from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (VDCJS), which has confirmed that the messages, though alarming, are spam, and there are no viable threats to our students or staff at this time.

However, we will be in conversations throughout the day with our staff and students regarding these messages. As always, we strongly encourage our students to report any concerning content they may come across to their school administrators instead of reposting the false information.

The VDCJS is continuing to investigate the origin of these spam messages, and we will provide any updates regarding this issue to our community as we receive them.

Thank you,

Division Leadership Team