We want your feedback. Superintendent Search Survey

For Immediate Release

Troy Andersen, Chair
Gloucester School Board 

Gina Patterson, executive director
Virginia School Boards Association

Gloucester County School Board Announces Superintendent Search

(April 21, 2023)—The Gloucester County School Board announced today that it will begin the process of hiring a new superintendent to join them in the mission of creating and sustaining an environment that emphasizes education, embraces diversity, and empowers its stakeholders to accomplish individual, as well as collective goals. Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) has been selected to assist the board in the search for the next highly qualified leader for the school division.

The community’s voice will be instrumental in defining leadership characteristics and qualifications of the next superintendent of GCPS. The school board is seeking public input and has created a survey related to superintendent criteria, which is also available on the home page of the division website and at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/gloucestersearch. Hard copies of the survey will be available at the school board administration office, in the main offices of each school, and at both branches of the Gloucester Library. 

Troy Andersen, the School Board Chair, stressed the significance of selecting the next superintendent, saying, "This is an important responsibility, and we want to involve the public in the selection process." He urged all community members to take an active role by completing the online survey and attending the scheduled public hearing to assist the school board in determining the qualifications required for the position. "Your input is of utmost importance, and we appreciate your active involvement in this important endeavor," Andersen added.

A full timeline of the search process and other information is available on the website at the following link: https://www.gc.k12.va.us/.

Additional documents are linked below:
Search Announcement
